MATRADE continues to propel the adoption of sustainability among Malaysian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), towards reinforcing their global competitiveness as export champions. The benchmarking element on sustainability has enriched the existing customised exporters development programme, via exclusive coaching session spearheaded by the graduates of Mid-Tier Companies Development Programme (MTCDP).
Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Exporters Development) of MATRADE, Abu Bakar Yusof said, “We received overwhelmed responses on the previous session conducted and continue in organising this interactive platform on sharing knowledge between Mid-Tier Company (MTC) with MSMEs. This programme encourages for closer relations between MSMEs and MTCs, besides being able to build working linkages and subsequently joining MTCs’ global supply chain in efforts to strengthen MSMEs’ global footprints.”
The benchmarking programme aims to guide the MSMEs on understanding major global trends and identifying critical elements of sustainability to be adopted and implemented. This value-added feature on exporters development is a journey to groom more export champions in the near future, increase the global competitiveness among the Malaysian exporters and strengthen their global footprints to tap into the global supply chain.
The rising demand on sustainability urges the Malaysian exporters to take control and be responsive on this matter as it will increase the impact on corporate reputation. Adoption of sustainable good practises and standard will become necessity in the near future. This has been addressed through National Trade Blueprint (NTBp) on pursuing sustainability and innovation. Several strategic recommendations that include establishment of sustainable manufacturing centre to nurture sustainable practises among Malaysian exporters and stakeholders, addressing forced labour issues while encouraging sustainability certification to promote long-term social sustainability and instillation of the concept of sustainability across the Government agencies to support the exporters in embracing the adoption of sustainability elements into their businesses.
“Sustainability has been one of MATRADE’s strategic focus in the development programme. As part of our efforts to future-proof Malaysian exporters, MATRADE has introduced Sustainability Action Values for Exporters (SAVE) initiative in 2019, where we encourage the exporters to embrace sustainability policies and practises in their businesses ad operations, particularly to equip the companies or markets that have embedded the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) into their principles,” he added. To date, MATRADE has established strategic partnerships with reputable organisations such as UN Global Compact, CIMB and Malaysia Green Technology Corporation (MGTC).
MATRADE has successfully groomed 275 MTCs through MTCDP since the programme started in 2014. It is one of the Government’s high impact initiatives in the Malaysia’s Development Plan. In 2020, companies under MTCDP reported exports’ revenue of RM15.38 billion, an increase of 3.6% compared with the year before.
The MTCDP targets export-oriented MTCs with annual revenues between RM50 million to RM500 million for manufacturing companies and RM20 million to RM500 million for services companies. Interested companies are encouraged to contact for more details.