Malaysia Convention & Exhibition Bureau (MyCEB) is gratified to end the first quarter of 2022 by organising the Malaysia Business Events Charter: Our Way Forward that gathered intelligence and insights from stakeholders representing the business events industry with the aim to create impactful content curation. The drafted Business Events Charter was then presented to the Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture (MOTAC), YB Dato’ Sri Hajah Nancy Shukri as she made a special appearance to deliver her closing remarks.
Taking place at World Trade Centre (WTC), Kuala Lumpur on 26 April 2022, the gathering of key stakeholders included government officials, industry players, trade associations as well as MyCEB Board of Directors to deliberate, discuss, debate and develop proper suggestions of a strategy plan in order to elevate the business events industry and bring Malaysia to the next level of success. Moderated by Malaysia’s very own industry experts, the charter was facilitated by Ms Jane Vong Holmes, a Senior Manager from GainingEdge as well as Ms Dee Dee Quah, Founder and Director of Medical Conference Partners.
The trailblazing union was greeted by the CEO of MyCEB’s welcoming remarks followed by a presentation by five reputable authorities namely, Mr. Noor Ahmad bin Hamid – Chief Operating Officer of MyCEB, Mr. Francis Teo – President of Malaysian Association of Convention & Exhibition Organisers & Suppliers (MACEOS), YBhg. Dato’ Sri Datuk Wira Dr. Hj Irmohizam Ibrahim – Protemp Chairman of Business Events Council Malaysia (BECM) and Mr. Sunny Chee – President of Malaysian Society of Association Executives (MSAE). All of which to share an eye-opening breakthrough to what this industry is capable of achieving. The session continued with a breakout group session that was each assigned various topics covering the aspects of the business events DNA translating a huge impact for the business events economy.
Dato’ Sri Abdul Khani Daud, CEO of MyCEB emphasises, “The purpose of our gathering today, is for us to share ideas and determine what can be done for the industry to grow after the two years loss due to the pandemic. Therefore, the Malaysia Business Events Charter was incubated and is coined as a dynamic platform for the industry stakeholders to converge and deliberate the future growth and sustainability of the business events industry.”
The insightful event drew curtains with a breaking fast session with a special invitation of 32 orphans and asnaf children from Pusat Penjagaan Rahoma registered under the Department of Social Welfare (JKM). Sharing blessings on this holy month, the special children were also presented raya packets and goody bags creating a memorable experience celebrating the joy of Ramadhan.
In staying resilient and vigilant, the bureau is honoured to have host this charter acting as the central point of contact to unite great minds that designate the business events industry. “I sincerely hope that we will have an open discussion to chart the recovery plan and strategy for Malaysia, discover challenges and opportunities within the industry and draft a business events charter for Malaysia that provides a clear path to move forward,” Dato’ Sri Abdul Khani, the CEO of MyCEB highlights.
~ Let’s BE Greater, Together and Meet in Malaysia ~